Wyn began his walk with Yeshua as a junior-high-school student, and has been growing in his faith since that time. He and his wife Carol have been blessed with nearly 40 of marriage. They have two daughters and one son, all with families of their own who are walking with Yeshua. Wyn and Carol are part of The Sabbath Gathering, a Messianic fellowship meeting in Mishawaka, Indiana.
Although Wyn has traveled extensively worldwide, nothing has impacted his life in a more profound and deeply spiritual way, than his visits to Israel and Jordan. It was on his first trip to Israel with Ray VanderLaan and That the World May Know Ministries, that God ignited a passion within Wyn to help people experience and understand His Word in its original context of time, culture and place. Since that first trip to Israel, Wyn has spend considerable time visiting and studying Biblical locations not only in Israel, but also in Greece, Turkey, Italy, Egypt, and Jordan. He has participated in numerous archaeological digs in Israel, including Bethsaida, Sussita, Kh. Qeiyafa, Ai, and Maresha.
Nothing excites Wyn more than to be able help Scriptures come alive in the hearts of others. That is why his primary ministry focus over the past 10 years is to lead these unique trips aimed at helping others better understand the Jewish roots of our faith. He does this without compensation or honorarium, always paying his own way, in order to keep the costs down as much as possible for the participants.