Bible Study Materials

Bible Study Materials

I hope the materials below will help you dig deeper into the Word.

Scripture Reading Plan

Below is the three-year reading plan that we use in our weekly meetings of The Sabbath Gathering.  It covers the period from October 2021 through September 2025 with weekly readings that are read during the week and then discussed together when we meet on the following Sabbath. This three-year plan provides the standard weekly Torah readings on an annual cycle, along with all the rest of Scripture on a three-year cycle.  So after following this plan for a full three-year cycle, a person will have read the entire Torah three times and all the rest of Scripture once.  In addition special readings have been selected for the Appointed Times.

The Biblical calendar used here is not the traditional Jewish (Hillel) Calendar based on a formulation developed in the fourth Century. Instead this calendar is based upon starting each month when the first crescent moon could be visible with the naked eye in Israel.  This is most likely how the people of Israel determined the start of each month in Biblical days.  Also, the beginning of the year (Day 1 of Month 1) is established by the requirement that the beginning of Passover (the sunset beginning Day 14 of Month 1) must follow the time of the spring equinox in Israel.  While this is not prescribed in Scripture, there is some evidence that the Sanhedrin required the presence of the full moon (at Passover) to occur after the equinox.  So there is perhaps some ancient tradition to support this.  Also, it seems to be a logical way for the people of Israel to have established the new year, even during their time in the wilderness when they didn’t plant barley.  The spring equinox is easily observable (the day when the suns shadow falls on an east-west line all though-out the day), and would have been something familiar to the Moses and people of Israel.  As a result of the above, this Biblical calendar can occasionally vary by as much as one month from the traditional Jewish dates, which are based on calculations developed in the fourth century, rather than on observation of the crescent moon the vernal equinox.

Also note that the dates for the feasts for Firstfruits and Shavuot also differ from traditional Jewish reckoning since it seems the most natural reading of Scripture is that Firstfruits falls on the day after the regular Sabbath, which is always on a Sunday.  Since the entire section is talking about the week of Unleavened Bread, the natural assumption would be that the Sabbath referred to must fall during the week of Unleavened Bread.  (The current Jewish interpretation is that Firstfruits falls on the day after the first day of Unleavened Bread, placing it on Nisan 16 each year.)  The choice of date for Firstfruits also affects the date for Shavuot, since Shavuot falls exactly 7 weeks after Firstfruits.  Following the calendar used in this reading plan, Shavuot, like Firstfruits, always falls on a Sunday.

Download Reading Plan (pdf file): Sabbath Readings 2025-2027

For Logos bible software users, this plan is available as a Logos Personal book: Logos – Sabbath Readings 2022-2024

Scripture Timeline Charts

Below are a few charts that I have put together that you may find useful. The Scripture Timeline Chart is a reference I frequently use during my personal Bible study.

Scripture Timeline Chart

I refer to this chart almost daily in my personal Bible study. The chart shows dates of important people and events in Scripture, including dates of Judges, Kings, and Prophets, as well as when each book of the Bible was took place. While it is recognized that many dates are far from certain, I have made every attempt to choose dates based on the best and most recent conservative scholarship. I have relied heavily on research done by Andrew Steinmann, who has an excellent book entitled, “From Abraham to Paul: A Biblical Chronology.” The PDF chart is designed to be printed on 11″x17″ paper. Page 1 is for the Hebrew Scriptures (Old Testament) and page 2 is for the Apostolic Scriptures (New Testament). 

Download pdf file: Wyn's Bible Chronology Charts (Rev c)

Download Excel file: Wyn's Bible Chronology Charts

Messiah's Passover Timeline

This chart shows the timing of the death and resurrection of the Messiah in relation to the appointed times of Passover, Unleavened Bread and Firstfruits. Check out the “Articles and Perspectives” link for the article titled “Timing of the Death and Resurrection of the Messiah” for more details on this topic.

Download pdf file: Timing of the Death and Resurrection of the Messiah Chart – pdf

Download Excel file: Timing of the Death and Resurrection of the Messiah Chart – Excel

Shavuot Timeline

This chart shows the timeline of the events of Exodus when Moses received the Ten Word (Ten Commandments) from YHWH in relation to the appointed time of Shavuot (Pentecost). Check out the “Sermons and Seminars” for the audio sermon on Shavuot where this was discussed in more detail.

Download pdf file: Shavuot and Ten Words Chart – pdf

Download Excel file: Shavuot and Ten Words Chart – Excel

Hebrews Bible Study

The book of Hebrews was probably written shortly after the Yeshua’s brother, Jacob (James) was murdered by the traditional Jewish leadership.  Since Jacob was the principle leader of the Way, one can imagine that there was signifcant pressure upon the early believers to recant their belief and come back into the traditional fold.  Probably their sacrifices were no longer accepted at the temple, and their presence at the Appointed Times and in synagogue was not welcomed. The letter of Hebrews was written to these beleivers to encourage them to stay strong in Messiah, and to help them realize that even if they can no longer worship as they always have, what they have in Messiah is far better.   Download the study questions and notes here:

Hebrews Bible Study

Zechariah Bible Study

Zechariah is a book of prophesy that is just as applicable to use today as it was to the people of Israel 2500 years ago.  It is all about the Messiah and how the Father wants us to live in anticipation of what He will do through His Son.  This Zechariah study is designed for personal or small group use and provides study questions and notes to help people not only better understand Zechariah, but also learn principles of how to dig deeper into Scriptures.  Download study questions and notes below:

Zechariah Bible Study

Galatians Bible Study

 For most Christians, Galatians is one of the most misunderstood books of the Bible.  This Bible study is meant for personal or small group use, and presents study questions to help us understand the original context and meaning of this important letter.  There are 12 lessons, half of which are focused on establishing a foundational understanding of the context so that the letter can be understood the way Paul intended his original audience to understand it.

Download Questions & Notes: Galatians Bible Study – Wyn Laidig (zip)

I also highly recommend the following resources for a better and more in-depth understanding of the book of Galatians:

The Letter Writer: Paul’s Background and Torah Perspectiveby Tim Hegg,

“Paul’s Epistle to the Galatians” by Tim Hegg,


Song of Songs Notes

These are some old notes from Song of Songs (Song of Solomon) that covers chapters 1 and 2 only.  Some day I will finish it, but for now i will post these two chapters in case they are helpful to anyone.

Download Notes: Song of Songs Chapter 1-2 (zip)